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Form 7206 for 2023

Level 11

I had to walk away from my computer for a little bit and when I got back there were 57 regarding to 7206 and needless to say I will not be able to read them  all but I cant help but wonder what did Iron Man say that has so many people mad at him?

4 Comments 4

Taking inventory of the Fireball?

I’ve been away too.  What happened?  Inquiring minds want to know! 

Level 15

At last count I only had one peoples mad at me, but he has enough posts to make it look like an army.  It's his multiple personalities maybe reaching out.  For @Frustrated-in-IL reference purposes, I believe it is the same outstanding individual that has a problem with my support for Ukraine ------ just using a different name.  But as you can see, I did listen to him and I did get rid of my "hang in there Ukraine" tagline.  I take all posts about improving my appearance here very seriously.

Slava Ukraini!

I think you might be correct, considering the only posts from your "new" friend are today.  The only thing you may be incorrect on is the gender of your "new" friend.

I don't care two hoots about your appearance or even if you smell.  I just take an extra shot of Fireball and then you look and smell just fine to me.  I have found your assistance on this site extremely helpful over the years.  If this handful of malcontents don't like/appreciate/desire your assistance/guidance/wisdom, then the heck with them.  While I haven't read every post in that long thread, it seems to me a recurring theme is that some think we, the community, are somehow customer service, or that customer service just hangs out here and will swoop in the instant someone has an issue.  They just 1. don't get how Intuit works; 2. don't get what the community here does; and 3. probably should be in another profession.



Level 15

Thanks.  I found this place years ago and I was initially hesitant to post because I thought that I just had a moderate tax IQ and there was a boat load of people that were a lot smarter than me.  I still feel that I only have a moderate tax IQ but this place has a lot of folks have a zero tax IQ so I can actually throw out a lifeline for a lot of folks.  There are a lot of folks posting here that really should be looking for another job.  But there are also a lot that are trying to learn and are appreciative of whatever help we can give them.  So I keep on plugging away trying to help those folks.  But every now and then some jerk pops up that gets your dander up and temporarily makes you wonder why you do this.  In the early days when I encountered charmers like my new found friend I would go for the jugular and have no mercy.  It took me a lot of years to finally figure out they really weren’t worth the energy so I tend to walk away.   I have come to the conclusion that when those kind of folks die, they are going to have to have the largest funeral in town ————— because everyone in town is going to want to show up just to make sure they are really dead.

Slava Ukraini!