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Accessing client data

Level 1

I downloaded the program Wednesday evening and ran an update Thursday. Got 3 computers done then needed to access a client. Am unable to get into any clients. This is the message:

Unable to open the selected company. The company files are currently being updated by another user. Please have all other users close the company and exit the program before converting.

Anyone else having this issue? I'm just now getting the downloads because I somehow got removed as 'admin' so was never notified the software was ready and then had to go through identity crap to prove I'm the one who owns and has paid for this software for all of the 20 years Intuit has owned it! It's NOT been a good week...

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated - of course, 'support' isn't working today.

Judy Cobb, EA

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6 Comments 6
Level 2

Yes.  We're having the exact same issue.  Updated to the new program version Friday and can't get into any clients with the same message.  A call to Intuit EasyACCT support is needed.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Ok, as I made the phone call to Intuit today, I opened a client file to fill them in on the exact wording of the error message and in doing so, the client file opened.  Tried another file and it worked as well.  So now there appears to be no issue.  Must've been something going on Friday??  We'll keep an eye on things and see what happens...

0 Cheers
Level 1

I spent an hour on the phone with them today and what we ended up doing was downloading a new copy and installing it locally. Then we created a new subdirectory and copied a client into the new subdirectory.  At first it didn't work. Then we did something else with a different subdirectory and put a sample client into our old subdirectory and that one worked. 

I ended up having to create a new subdirectory, copy each client to the new subdirectory, rename the old one to '.old' and have had no problems. However, I have had to reload on all our computers. I think maybe a glitch in the download file early Friday was maybe fixed later on Friday?!  Who knows - I'm just glad I'm working again... 

Although, I'm afraid of future updates but I have this download saved in case I have to reinstall again. 

Now I get to try the IRS program and see if that one works....



0 Cheers
Jamie Love
Level 1

When trying to download the program, getting an error processing message with a long reference number...and not able to download.  Can someone help? Anyone know how to get an actual person on the phone?  Customer support number??? 

0 Cheers
Jamie Love
Level 1

Do you have the customer support number?  I can't find it.  Thanks in advance.

0 Cheers
Level 1

EasyACCT support: 1-866-220-0488

I'm sure they won't be available until Tuesday. 

Is this your first download of the software?  If so, don't try to download to the EASYW subdirectory. Leave it in your downloads folder and install from there. 

If that doesn't work then you'll have to call them on Tuesday and support will work with you.

Judy Cobb, EA



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