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Why doesn't Pro Series have form 8915F for tax year 2021 (was 8915E in 2020)?

Level 2

Why doesn't Pro Series have Form 8915-F to help with the 1/3 repayment of the 2020 FEMA related distributions? I don't see this anywhere and a technician on the customer service line indicated that he doesn't see it either. This is a huge miss. The IRS finally published the 8915-F form and it appears in Drake software. Drake even has a YouTube video on how to use this form. What is Intuit's status on this matter? I have updated the program (2/4/22) and Form 8915-F (8915F) doesn't appear on the F6 menu, the Green Search Box or anywhere on the Left Pane. Please Help.

78 Comments 78
Level 8

please do a search for this - there are at least 5 threads relating to this topic so far to date. We all agree and don't know why Intuit doesn't have a draft version out there yet. IRS says they will finalize form 3/17/22.

Level 15

Five to date?  It’s more like 5 per hour😧

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

rcooley alone starts five threads per day on the subject.

Level 11

All of Intuits customers should do what I am planning on doing. Call them and get on them. This whole mess regarding form 8915F is not their fault but now it is approved I say lets roll.

Level 15

@rcooley25    Do you really think calling support is going to make any difference?  Why not let support spend time with someone that truly needs help.   

Level 11

Support has done a lot in helping people who need help. But the question here is when will this form become part of the software. All of the help we get directly from support will not get this form installed any sooner. WE must talk to Intuit directly to get a response. Remeber this form was not suppose to be ready before March 17th. Why do you think al at once it is ready from the IRS. Because people like us **bleep**ed and complained to the right people.

Level 15

Nobody has complained to the right people about the form.  I'm not aware of anyone making contact with an actual decision maker at Intuit.  We complain to information gatherers, not decision makers.  Sometimes the information gets passed up the right channels and sometimes it just dies a natural death.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11


Please continue to put your emphasis on widely used forms, not those which affect a very small minority of taxpayers!.

Thank you.

Level 11

Will Do

0 Cheers
Level 11

I understand what you are saying but we have to keep trying.

Level 1

Thank you for posting that @DannyA!  I have a friend who uses Drake software and has already been able to file returns with form 8915-F.   I would really love to know why Proseries (who charges us double the price of Drake software) doesn't have this form available in our software immediately after the IRS published the form!   Last year my friend also had some of the forms available in Drake software long before we did in Proseries. I think she has me convinced to switch to Drake next year after all of this!   I hope Proseries/Intuit get's us the form soon!

Level 11

Has the IRS released it or just finalise it. I spoke with intuit about this last week and they told me that as soon as the irs releases it it will take about 2 weeks to get it into the software. Why is it already in drake and not proseries I dont have an answer for.

Level 13

I wish PS only cost twice Drake.

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 11

Your wrong. I take a break from it every 90 minutes.

Level 11

With all of the p[eople I have done tax returns for that had money removed from their pension in 2020 this is a widely used form.

Level 15

But didn’t they have any withholding on the money they pulled out?   For my clients that pulled out funds, they had enough withheld to get their taxes squared up.  I didn’t want them to stretch things out and have them need to cough up cash later when they may not have it lying around.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

The money withheld was all applied to 2020. I ask everone if they would like to have some of therir refund applied and not a one said yes. They all said they wanted their money now.

Level 15

I assume you are going to remind them of that this year😁

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

I do hope that is all it takes. I just got dizzy looking at that form again...

0 Cheers
Level 3

I did 300 returns last year and for each client, their own return was the only important one.  I have exactly one client who needs an 8915-F and to them, that is the most important return I am doing, as it should be.  For the money we are paying for this software, all the forms should be there.

Level 11

You do realize it has just been in the last week that the IRS released the form?


Level 11

Yes I do realise that. But it is still no reason for us to have wait untill March 31st to get it into our software.

Level 11

I could not agree with you more. I also do 300 returns each year and I have 100 who will need that form.

Level 3

March 31?  It's embarrassing to have to tell clients they need to wait 1-1/2 months for their returns.  Makes us seem unprofessional. 

Level 11

It sure as hell does. That why I have been blowing my stack the last several days.

Level 3

You are going to have a lot of extensions!  I am planning on bugging Proseries later for an ETA for this form.

Level 11

You are not going to like the answer that you are going to get.

Level 3

 I have been thinking about you and your 100 returns which are in limbo, and I think there may be a way to get around this.  Prepare the 8915 manually, transfer the applicable number to the 1040, complete the 1040 for paper filing, print the return, add the 8915, and have the client mail it with sincere apologies. 

Level 11

Thank you for thinking about me but I cant agree with your idea of filing the form on paper. Right now as you read this there are almost 6 million paper returns for 2020 that has not been processed yet. While I appreciate your thoughtfullness on this matter there is no way I am going to put my clients into that unholy mess.

Level 11

It now appears on the f6 but you are not going to like the date they say it will be avaiable.

0 Cheers
Level 3

I agree.  However, last year I had clients who had to get their return done by a certain date (a la 90 Day Fiance) so this would be a solution.  Not one that I am going to avail myself of unless absolutely necessary.  I had two returns last year that the IRS lost even though they were electronically filed and we had the electronic acknowledgments, so I cannot even begin to imagine what they are doing with paper returns.

I called ProSeries and they told me March 31.  Not amused.

Level 11

Very Sad Indeed. Nothing funny.

0 Cheers
Level 2

"Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments, Forms 8915, are available in Drake Tax. The watermark has been removed and Form 8915-F is available for e-file as of February 4, 2022"

WHAT THE HELL!! We have the most expensive and "experienced" tax preparation software in the market, and they are making us look really bad with our clients!!

I have several clients waiting on form 8915-F who have already come forward questioning us about the availability of the form, because several of their co-workers with the same situation have already filed!! Obviously in our client's mind we are either lying to them or are not as professional as their co-worker's accountant.

This is total BS and would for sure bring some consequences to our business, as we may lose some of our customers next season over this issue.

Level 15

"We have the most expensive and "experienced" tax preparation software in the market"

I'm guessing you haven't really shopped around for tax software?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

I guess you don't have much to do if that is only thing you could pick from my comment. The issue here is Form 8915F not being available, not being a SmartA

Level 3

There is a way to do it manually but I am not going to.  Unless you have someone who really needs to get the return filed before April 1, we are just going to have to wait. 

Adding insult to injury is the fact that ProSeries offered new customers a $600 discount this year.  We paid $600 more than someone off the street.  As a ProSeries customer for more than 20 years I found this unfair.

Level 15

"I guess you don't have much to do if that is only thing you could pick from my comment. The issue here is Form 8915F not being available, not being a SmartA"

As I've said many times, it is much better to be a SmarA than a DumbA ---------------- there seems to be way to many of them around these days.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 11

I agree with you but you know this is the way it works. In other industries when you see newcomers getting a discount for joining the long time loyal customers pay the same old rate.

Level 11

The IRS only finally released the Final form late last weak, and this is a form that won't be needed by the vast majority of filers.

It's not all ProSeries, and I am personally glad they are directing resources to more common form like the 2210.

Level 2

Well, some people acts like SmartA, but is really the other.

0 Cheers
Level 11

My response to IRonMaN in case it gets out of order


winner winner chicken dinner!!!

Level 11

I am not a dumb or smart ass. I am a tired ass

Level 11

LOL Im there with you.

Level 11

With over 6 million  paper filed returns waiting to be processed for 2020 i think it wo;d be better to file for an extension before you manualy file a return.

Level 15

Unless you have a balance due -------- then who cares how long it takes to process the return.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11


Level 4

I concur. For those of us professionals who have relied on Intuit and remained loyal to the product through the years, facing pricing increases, lack of support, changes to the program that are not enhancements but detriments, this should be the final straw that breaks the proverbial camel's back. 8915-F can be e-filed now!  From the IRS: "Form 8915-F can be completed electronically and e-filed with your tax return."  This as of January 2022.  What and why is INTUIT holding us hostage for?  I agree, we look like complete fools and incompetent to our clientele by having to put their returns on hold for interminable periods. I've been with ProSeries since 1996. I've considered other providers, but stayed with the "tried and true" which shows a lack of dedication on my part. A true practitioner would review other offerings and see if another provider should be considered, with dedication to his clients, not a Corporate entity.  I'm disgusted with ProSeries, but I've bought in for this year and will muddle through. After the season, I'm looking diligently and correctly for my newest provider and partner. We should all consider voting with our finances, as that is the only message corporate hears. I've tried Customer Support, Tech Support, Discussion w/pro's?; and I for one ain't interested in having my pants leg peed on and being told it's raining!   The anticipation of the learning curve is what motivates me now, and will keep me laser focused on my newest decisions. Thank you for your message, DannyA; I just hope the base is reading and listening.

Level 11

It has not been that long since the Irs released this form or so we are told. But I agree with you enogh time has passed that it should be in our software by now. It is my understanding that other software have it so why not Intuit.

By the way I can take someone peeing on my leg and tell me its raining but I get upset when the pee in my ear.

Level 3

What's really crazy is that I have learned that people who did their taxes on TurboTax last year saw the carryover onto their 2021 file. If Intuit did it for TurboTax, why couldn't they do it for Proseries?