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BasWin 22 crashes on log-in

Level 3

BasWin22 has been crashing after login data is entered. This has been on-going for 2 weeks now. Once in a while I get lucky and BasWin 22 opens so I can work. However, the norm is that I get the crash notice just as the Homebase page is about to open. i have made 3 attempts already today. Same result.

I have spoken at great length with 6 or more of Intuit's tech help people over this period. Solutions offered range from reinstallation of the software to getting better download speed (which I did).  One tech told me I was running Windows 10-S, which doesn't support ProSeries.  He was incorrect; I am running a fully-updated Windows 10. 

I have saved debug logs for most of the crashes, but nobody seems interested in seeing them, and offer no advice as to who could interpret them. All of the suggested fixes from the Intuit website have been done - update Windows, update the .NET framework, run "repair updates" from the homebase tools, etc.

Another curiosity that has started occurring is that BasWin22 runs the "updater" BEFORE it goes to the login screen. Is that new/normal?

FYI I get internet service via satellite, if that makes any difference. I have told each tech that I talk to that this is the situation.

I'm all out of patience and will soon be out of business if an effective solution is not found ASAP.

Suggestions?  Anyone?

0 Cheers