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Additional E-File Status for Extensions Filed

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Additional E-File Status for Extensions Filed


Add "Extension(s) Accepted" as a choice in the E File Status column of the Tax Return dashboard so it is easy to tell which returns have been filed as opposed to those where only extension(s) have been filed.  Right now filing an extension changes the status to Accepted so it is easy to mistake the return for being complete.

Our firm is using the custom statuses in the Status column to differentiate but it would be great to see this automatically happen in the E File Status column

Thank you for your contributions. This was implemented August 3rd, 2021.  

Status: Implemented
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Level 2

I came here to specifically suggest the same thing.  I have been requesting this since wholly migrating all tax preparation to ITO for TY 2015 or 2016.  Please make this happen.  Critical data.

Level 7

The description says either "Federal", "Federal extension", or the state name, so the combination of the description and status will tell what has been accepted, so I do not understand the ease of use.

So far I just use the UI, but does Intuit provides API access (get info via a program)? If so, where is the spec? Thanks.

Level 2

The issue is that on the dashboard ITO does not display whether an extension has been filed or the return has been filed.  I know we can click through and find a status, but to be able to see how many returns I have left to file from a quick look at the dashboard would be very helpful and valuable.

Level 7

"Tax return" view does not display the return type (Federal, extension, state), but "E-file" view does. If the info can retrieved by an API, it is not a problem. Right now, I have to copy the text to be analyzed by a program.

Doc Txs
Level 2

Completely agree with this being a critical issue. Right now I'm actively shopping for a different software after paying a client's $10,000 fine for late filing of a partnership return. Thankfully the partnership only had 6 partners. 

Level 1

@Doc Txs is describing one of my major concerns! 

I would also like to added that a being able to clear a rejected return is extremely important. We attempted to e-file a couple business extensions, our error in assuming the deadline extension didn't apply to e-file this year, and even though the returns have been successfully filed - the Rejected overrides on the screen! Or if I have to paperfile the return I can't at least clear the Status. This makes me more paranoid and I waste time double checking myself. 

Level 7

The purchase and E-file need to combined: for each purchase (return), it should give an status, being it e-file, paper-file, extended, rejected, etc. By sorting the status, we know what returns we need attention.

Returning Member

Hey this feature is now live! Thanks for listening and implementing the idea.  Only nitpick I have now is to change "Federal" to "US" to condense spacing in each row and make it consistent with the 2 letter state abbreviations.  Looks great and this will really make it easier to monitor extension and filing status in the future! Hopefully next year has fewer extensions that last year did....

Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your contributions. This was implemented August 3rd, 2021.  

Level 7

Suppose I finished someone's return, but never filed it, not extension or E-file, this implementation will not catch the error. With or without the implementation, the information is there, albeit a bit easier.

We should start with the source. Did we start a return, if so, what happened with the return.

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