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The following diagnostic is generating: Updates to the Texas program are still being developed for the following area: when an entity sells an investment or capital asset, only the gain from the sale should be included in gross receipts for the apportionment factor. A net loss from the sale of a capital asset or investment should not be included. See the 2022 Texas Franchise Tax Report Information and Instructions and Tax Rule 3.591(e)(2) for more information. Please review and verify the accuracy of the return and make any necessary adjustments to the gross receipts in Texas and gross receipts everywhere amounts before filing. (ref #2056856). The loss is not included in gross receipts for Texas. How do I clear this Critical Diagnostic so that I can e-file.
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Is it actually preventing efiling?

E-file validation came through okay! Thank you George4tacks!



Review the articles here https://proconnect.intuit.com/support/en-us/help-article/partnership/common-questions-diagnostics-la...

If you are comfortable that the return is correct, this diagnostic will probably not prevent e-filing. 

How can I tell if a Critical Diagnostic will stop the e-file?

You can validate the e-file to check if any diagnostics will stop the return from being filed. 

  1. Click on Print
  2. Select Tax Return
  3. Select e-file validation only at the bottom of the third column in the Return section
  4. Click OK

Thank you very much for your help!