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How to make lutefisk during your busy tax season

Level 15

As long as this place evidently has turned into a "how to" stop, I thought I would get in on an important educational opportunity.  Sign up now for a virtual beginners class on how to prepare lutefisk.  We have decided that the beginners class should be virtual since we lost so many students last year that were overcome by the odor of the lutefisk.  World famous chef Lars Larson will be providing the basics to preparing a lutefisk dinner that will allow most of your guests to make it through dinner without a trip to the hospital emergency room. There is no cost to the class and a free Intuit clothespin will be provided to all that successfully complete the course.  The clothespin will come in handy if you decided to attend Lars' advanced lutefisk class.  The class is scheduled for 8:00 am central time on November 31st.  A registration link will be provided shortly.  For any technical problems, Sven and Ole and will be standing by to cover customer support today.  They have the day off from their customer support jobs at Intuit.

Slava Ukraini!
6 Comments 6
Level 15

Tirje Birkedal, President of Sons of Norway Bernt Balchen Lodge in Anchorage, Alaska, writes:

"Though Norwegian Americans practically define who they are through the eating of lutefisk during the Christmas season, I have found to my surprise that the vast majority of Norwegian Americans know nothing about the practical reasons behind the making and eating of lutefisk. When you ask them why Norwegians prepare and eat this unusual dish, most just stare blankly back at you with silly grins on their faces—it is clear they just eat it because that is what most Norwegian Americans do at Christmastime. Others, slightly more informed, eagerly begin to tell you tall tales and goofy stories about its origins that they heard when they were kids."



Bob Kamman
Descendant of Thomas Olsen, who came to Iowa at
age 4 from Christiana, back before it was called Oslo

Level 15

What a coincidence.  My real name is Christiana Oslo.  I had it changed to Fred a few years back ———- kinda like a boy named Sue.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Why would you make lutefisk during the busy tax season?

Can't you just make a bunch now, and let it sit around for the next few months?  It shouldn't affect the taste (actually the taste may improve by sitting around for a few months).




Level 15

That would work, as long as you didn't mind that smell for the next few months. 😷

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

@TaxGuyBill wrote:

Why would you make lutefisk during the busy tax season?

Because you need to have something to do while you're waiting for Intuit to get MFA back up.


Level 15

When I saw MFA referred to in the post yesterday, I wasn't really sure if that was referring to multi factor authorization or if it was a very derogatory comment directed towards Intuit 😬

Slava Ukraini!