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State depreciation schedules

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State depreciation schedules


Please provide state depreciation reports for those states that do not recognize federal section 179 and bonus depreciation.  

Thanks for the idea. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New". If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Getting Started Guide for more information.

Status: Open for voting
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Level 2

This is critical for states like Pennsylvania.  We must be able to substantiate the depreciation deduction taken in a state that does not conform with the Federal.  The program obviously calculates this information so I do not see why it could be so hard to have it print it out.


Level 2

We very much need this in Hawaii too.  Hawaii does not conform to bonus depreciation and I currently have to open each assets, sometimes as many as 40 - 50 to view state depreciation taken and remaining.  It's a lot of work when taking on a new client to manually compute what they would have taken on the state depreciation.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open for voting

Thanks for the idea. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New". If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Getting Started Guide for more information.

Level 1

This is a seriously needed feature in the software. ProSeries' competitors offer state depreciation schedules and it is a very high exposure for ProSeries users to not have this functionality at the state level. Illinois and many other states decouple from the IRS regarding depreciation. It is nearly impossible to recreate the depreciation schedule for new clients in ProSeries. I've had clients come from a very, very poor tax preparer but because they use a competitor's software, they have excellent depreciation schedules (even if they didn't assign correct lives and methods)! PLEASE fix this.

Level 3

Ah, that I have but one vote to give.

Seriously, we are considering moving from ProSeries over this.

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