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Add Section 1.263(a)-1(f) De Minimis Safe Harbor Election to "Where Do I Enter" for S-corp & Pship

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Add Section 1.263(a)-1(f) De Minimis Safe Harbor Election to "Where Do I Enter" for S-corp & Pship

Nicole P

The Section 1.263(a)-1(f) De Minimis Safe Harbor Election statement cannot be found using the "Where Do I Enter" search option in the S-corporation or Partnership products of ProSeries. It seems to work fine in the 1040 product, which will bring it up by searching "De Minimis," "Safe Harbor," or "Election." There is no search term that brings it up in the 1120S or 1065 products. Furthermore, in the election section list, it appears at the very bottom with the description "Reg. 1.263(a)-f" - not "Section" as appears at the top of the form. While the election is pursuant to a regulation, the inconsistency in the name creates further confusion within the software.

Status: New
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