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1099-B importing into different worksheets

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1099-B importing into different worksheets


Problem: I can't select different and separate 1099-B worksheets for each separate 1099-B document I import?  Seems like this would be simple.  I've called 3 times with the final solution as ..... it just can't be done.   Each 1099-B document gets imported into the single 1099-B worksheet regardless of the documents being different brokerage accounts.  Resulting in a difficult way to reconcile the imported numbers and adjust as  necessary.   For example: 3 brokerage accts from same broker for one client (1 individual, and 2 different trusts) along with 2 other separate brokerage accounts (i.e. Robinhood, and Webull) When importing these 1099-B documents, the software combines each import together in the same 1099-Worksheet......leaving over 200 transactions to review and reconcile.   Some of these have wash sales, some have imported the wrong code and needs correcting.  Highly disappointing and now, time-consuming.  

Suggestion: Offer a separate 1099-B worksheet per individual 1099-B document that is getting imported.   This way we can clearly see any importing discrepancies and reconcile each document information.

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Level 13

Suggestion: enter summary amounts for the following: Short Covered, Long Covered, Short Non Covered, Long Non Covered.

Done. No importing needed.

Level 7

I agree Lizzette. It would be helpful if the import separated the 1099-Bs into separate worksheets. So far, the only problems I've seen are with empty basis fields; easily identified because they are flagged as errors. 

New Member

Accountant-Man, That's a great suggestion however, that's not always possible.  When you have wash sales or adjusted basis needs and a few other oddities involved in the 1099-B, then you can't enter the summary only.  You must enter transactions details that involve those oddities and then attach the pdf.   With stock trades becoming more mainstream at all income levels, its becoming more and more prevalent to have multiple 1099-B's from multiple brokerages and often they include wash sales or basis issues. When ProSeries imports all the 1099-B data into a single worksheet, you lose the ability to verify the data with confidence and its makes it difficult to find any discrepancies between what was imported as short term or long term and what shows on the multiple 1099-B documents.  This is not as big an issue when there is only 1-2 documents and less than 60 transactions.  BUT when you have 6 different 1099-B's and well over 500 transactions all getting combined into a single 1099-B worksheet......it can be a small nightmare with the total figures don't line up perfectly.   The solution would be so easy if they would just get imported into separate worksheets then I could reconcile each 1099-B document with the imported worksheet information.  I could easily see where any discrepancies occurred and fix them.

Level 3

I've been there with multiple brokerage statements and hundreds of transaction and I guess I'm glad, I gave up on the import tool years ago. I usually spent more time correcting what it imported into the software incorrectly, than it would have taken me to just key it all in. It's useless. 

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