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Proseries 2021 Connected Customer Screens

Level 2

My computer is the admin in the network. Every time I start Proseries 2021, a window opens where I have to click "next" 3 times before it checks for updates, making me restart the program and that same screen comes up when it loads again. Is there a way to disable this? I don't think there is ever a time where we'll want to change the firm name, ERO info, etc and there are ways of doing this through the software. It's so frustrating to think that it's waiting for me to log in only to have this unnecessary screen/updates/the unnecessary screen again then finally letting me log in. There were similar things in prior years but only for the first time loading the software after install.

0 Cheers
2 Comments 2

Hi @Ben2 ,

I'm sorry you are experiencing this issue.

Do you by chance have ProSeries pinned to taskbar and launching from there?

There's a bug we'll need to look into around pinning ProSeries on the taskbar. For now, please use the shortcut on the desktop or Start Menu.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

0 Cheers
Level 2

I do. Thanks for the response/workaround - it worked.