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Home office deduction

Level 1

Is anyone else having issues with the home office deduction being taken on a schedule C with a loss instead of being carried forward?  I reported it to Proseries by phone over a month ago and it still isn't fixed.

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2 Comments 2
Level 15
Level 15

Mortgage interest and property taxes will still get used for OIH, even if there's a loss.

0 Cheers
Level 13

You can have a loss (or add to one) to the extent that the items being deducted would be deductible elsewhere on the tax return.  Translation:  If you're filing Sch A and haven't hit the $10K SALT cap you can deduce mortgage interest and real estate taxes on the 8829 in the "top" section (above line 15).  If you're not itemizing, then those expenses should be reported in the "bottom" section (between 15 and 27) so they are not allowed to create a loss.  And (for the first time since TCJA) I had one this year where doing the "line 11" worksheet in the instructions actually split the RE tax between the top and bottom sections (resulting in a net zero Sch C).

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