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Happy holidays

Level 15

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holidays, especially @dkh .  I hope everyone is able to get out and celebrate National Blueberry Popiscle Day today.  It only comes once a year so I hope you all enjoy the day!

And as long as I am here:

Ole, Sven, and Nels came into the bar.

They were high-fiving each other, shouting, and generally having a celebration of some sort.
"Line 'em up," Ole shouted as the party continued.
They drank and carried on for hours. Finally the bartender's curiosity got the better of him. "Just what are you celebrating?" he asked.
"51 days! We did it in 51 days!" they responded.
"What did you do in 51 days?" he probed.
"Put the puzzle together," they replied. "51 days, and the box said 3-5 years!"

Slava Ukraini!
2 Comments 2
Level 15

That was a good one!  3-5 years....lol     

Doing as TaxGuyBill said - not answering the phone today.  Hope Publishers Clearing House will call back next week.

Level 15

You are safe.  I heard that Publishers Clearing House employees get National Blueberry Popsicle Day off.  Their offices are closed today.

Slava Ukraini!