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Customize filing instructions

Level 2

Ability to customize the filing instructions as well as the client letter.  When filing instructions is turned off the client letter is used which is customizable.  I would like to keep the filing instruction letters as I find them simple and easy to read but there is certain information I would like to add to them.  Ie due date, certified mail paragraphs, etc.

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1 Comment 1
Level 13

You can, just customize them to the standard best, then save. At least in Pro Series Pro you can.

Tools Letters Manage Standard Letters Standard Client Letter

Save as the Standard, then you can still customize one specific one if you wish.

I have added paragraphs like 

My letterhead

Please sign the statement about your decision against e-filing these returns and return it to me in the enclosed envelope. This form is for my records only.

Inside your copy is a federal two-year comparison, in case you are curious. It is just before the blue divider. The state comparison, if there is one, is behind the state return.

[@FDIDirDeP]DO YOU WANT to electronically deposit your refund, Yes or No? Is this the correct account, or do we need this information completed, if you say Yes?

[@FDIEFDwP]IF YOU OWE MONEY, do you want to debit it electronically? Yes or No? We will do debit or you will pay by check, but NOT both. For this year only, we are apprehensive about paying tax liabilities via first class US mail or even certified US mail; therefore, we recommend that you pay these taxes electronically. You can either do it through us or online. You can pay online yourself, or by check with a voucher. If you desire a voucher, I will send one to you.

Bank: <@FDIBank>

Routing number: <@FDIRTN> or change to this: ___________________

Account number: <@FDIAcctNo> or change to this: ___________________

Please sign AND RETURN THIS FORM TO ME to verify these numbers: ________________

You can also use them next year as well, just Copy and Paste next year.

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
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