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Cost of Proseries increase year after year

Level 1

I have been a ProSeries customer for many year, and my renewal fee increases approx. 6% year after year.  I just saw that new customers are only paying $2099 for the same package I use, which is several hundred dollars less than my quote.  I feel like once intuit has you in their system, they increase and increase until you get fed up and leave.

Does anyone know of a comparable tax software to ProSeries? 

7 Comments 7
Level 15
Level 15

I think that's kinda "how they getcha"....nobody really wants to switch software if they like it, so they pull you in with lower prices, then steadily increase the cost, people are more likely to just raise their client prices 5-10% (which we should be doing anyhow!) to keep up with their software price increase rather then switch software.

A several hundred dollar price increase each year is only adding 1 more client to your practice and that should cover it, doesnt seem too unreasonable.


Demo some of the ones out there, see if you can find something you like better, now's the time to do it!

Level 15

"....Does anyone know of a comparable tax software to ProSeries?"

None that don't do the exact same thing a few years after they set the hook.

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
Level 11

ha is what the cable companies do regarding fees for the internet and cable tv.

Level 15

Many professional tax software products offer discounts to new clients.  If you change software, are you going to refuse the discount because you think it is unfair to the current customers who pay more?

If you want to investigate other software, ATX and TaxAct Professional have similar data-entry to ProSeries, so you may want to start with getting 'demos' of those. 

Level 15

I have been an American Express customer for many years, and they just offered me 90,000 Delta miles if I apply for that card they offer.  So I took it, and I'll stop using their Hilton card for a while, except when I stay at one and earn bonus points.  But will I renew the Delta card next year, when all they offer me is a free companion pass?  I guess it will depend on what the free companion looks like.  Then again, Hilton has never offered me a free companion.  

Level 13
Level 13

Im not overly crazy about their price increase year after year. But Lisa has a point. We need to increase our fees to offset PS price increase. Last year was a good year for PS from a software standpoint. Id like to see them beef up their CS but honestly, Id rather ask the good people here as CS usually dont even know who they even work for. 😁😂🤣

Level 15

It seems like everything is going up and some is going up quite a substantial amount. You may want to consider just raising your fees a little, especially if your fees are on the low side anyways. Most people will not complain with a reasonable price increase.