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Work around for Excess Social Security

Level 2
Due to adjustments, my client has excess Social Security and Medicare that I'd like to claim on his return. The program gives me an error when I attempt to force 8959 (even though it suggests I do) and Schedule 3 Line 11 is not populating. Is there a work around?
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3 Comments 3
Level 15

If you entered the W-2s properly the program should automatically do all the calculation and adjustment.

IRS even came up with a couple of forms to take care of this. Look closely at the return to see if you can follow the flow 

Here's wishing you many Happy Returns
Level 2

The program knows the refund is due. When I force the 8959, the credit appears on the 1040 - then error check tells me my client doesn't qualify and I will have to paper file. The excess SS does not appear on the Schedule 1, line 11 and I know I entered it correctly. There was some initial confusion when payroll was set up - single owner Sub S and some benefits are taxable and some are not. I don't want to hold up the refund for a few hundred dollars and mailing in is, in my opinion, not a good option. I'm still working on paper that was sent in over a year ago, I don't want to start another thread. At this point all I can see is to file and let the SSA figure out there's an overpayment and send a check.

0 Cheers
Level 13

If this is an employer error, the employer has to fix it and refund the erroneous SS tax.  The mechanism built in to the 1040 (2021 Schedule 3 Line 11) is if there are multiple employers and the total withheld exceeds the maximum.