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Unable to remove prior employee from ProConnect products/ New payroll account emails go to wrong email

Level 3

We have 2 products under our account that were for a prior employee and we cannot seem to get them removed. The email associated with it is going to be invalid at the end of the year. When we add a new payroll subscription, the email is going to the former employee's email instead of our current account admin. There is a QB Accountant product and ProConnect product tied to the former employee's email.. This is the only place I can find her email. How can we get these removed and/or the email updated to the current admin email?

0 Cheers
1 Comment 1
Level 15


  1. Sign in to ProConnect as a firm admin.
  2. Click Settings in the lower-left corner.
  3. From that menu, select Manage and Invite Users.
  4. Locate the employee in the list.
  5. Click on the user's name to edit their client access.
  6. Click the Client access tab to grant or remove permissions for individual clients.
  7. Press Save changes when you're done.

Are you saying that this former employee is the administrator for those two products? If so, you need to call ProConnect to cure this. 

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