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When using remote access, does the tax input record on the hard drive of both computers, or just the receiving computer?

Level 2
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Level 15

We don't know your system, network, provider, etc. There is no "receiving" or sending computer. There is the local system, where you sit, and the remote system or host or server, which you connected to. That can be over the internet to a cloud server, a host, a VPN, or a combination.

Without knowing the specific remote access tool you are using, I can tell you that "remote" access where the program only resides on the computer you are accessing from a different location, means the computer you are working on (the local system) will drive the remotely accessed computer like a zombie, the same as if you are sitting at that remote computer. The computer you are at is only the steering wheel, in other words.

If you are accessing something in the cloud, or on a server, via a remote terminal session, or a virtual private network, it is likely everything is being stored at the "other end" for this, as well, and your computer is acting as a stupid keyboard/monitor for control and display.

But it might be a set up where the info is stored locally and then transmitted or mirrored.

And if the program is installed locally, you might only be accessing the data files, so that makes the remote system similar to a library, or remote storage.

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