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Best Setup

Level 2

Greetings! We have been using Lacerte for well over 10 years now. We have always used a NAS as a file server and it worked great until about 2 years ago. We struggled through the last 2 years and realized that Lacerte doesn’t officially support using a NAS because they aren’t trained in it.  

im just wondering how others have their office set up in a network environment? Can I just get a more powerful faster NAS or Do I need to buy a server? And if so do I need to run the windows server software or can I just run Windows 10?

Thanks in Advance

any feedback is appreciated.

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1 Best Answer

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Level 2
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2 Comments 2
Level 15

"because they aren’t trained in it."

That's a bit of an assumption. It's because NAS isn't able to run an OS, so the management services that might be needed to handle data file concurrency are also not available, unless the NAS is being managed by a system. Not just Shared, but Mapped.

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"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 2

Thank you!

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