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North Carolina account info "if different"

Level 4

20221013.NC bank info.jpg

Looking at input page3/Miscellaneous, at the top are the boxes to input the federal account information, and lower down are the ones in the NC area, clearly labeled as "Bank Information (if different)".
  However, if you leave them blank (because the bank information is NOT different, it is the same as what you want to use on federal) then you get critical diagnostics that prevent you from transmitting the return.

Why does Lacerte require the user to make this input again (thus "giving an additional chance to SCREW IT UP" [by mis-typing this time]), if it is NOT different from the federal version?

Worse yet, why does Lacerte require the user to make the same input YET AGAIN (thus "giving a THIRD chance to SCREW IT UP" [by mis-typing it *this* time]) for the state-required confirmation?
  "Show those numbers over there.  Okay, show those numbers over there, again.

This is asinine.

Robert Kirk
Rockville, MD

0 Cheers
1 Comment 1
Level 11
Level 11

My educated guess is that the NC return used to pick up the Federal account information, and then the state of NC said "No, make them put in the NC account separately and twice, because no one ever uses copy-paste, and rekeying by hand means fewer errors!"

See also, stuff that various states have requested not proforma, because "some poor clerical person at the tax preparer's office will pull up last year and this year and copy-paste - hopefully accurately!" is not the workflow that the state assumed would happen.