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Intuit - My Account Configuration for Users

Level 5

I have just added a new user to our Intuit Account. I do not, and never have, understood the options for the columns My account Access and Software Access here: Manage Users for Lacerte

I am unable to find a clear definition of the My Account Access options are (yes I have READ the popup, don't understand it, neither does the support agent who has me on hold) This article is lacking any info on the topic which I would expect to find in the section "Change user roles".

My Account Access
Training & Support
Account admin
Account Employee
Lacerte Admin
Lacerte Report
ProSeries Admin

I am probably the only one who ever logs on here and that's to manage users. Maybe they don't need to log in here because traditionally we have pretty much given everyone admin rights, but i want to change that.

We have just move from an all inclusive contract to the REP model. It's unclear as yet what additional functions we may need to do in the software program or manage in the account on-line.

Equally vague is "Software Access". Is this the ability to download software or is this tied in some way to the user validation that occurs everytime one opens Lacerte on the Desktop? In any event I do not understand what the Admin brings to the table.

Software Access

So Finally, while I do not know what all of these really mean, i strongly suspect that someone setup with:
My account: Lacerte Rep
Software: Employee
should not have access to manage users, indeed can access every menu that I can as an Account Admin.

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