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2021 Superseded Federal 1065 to be filed, but which copy to amended for the states?

Level 2

I am getting ready to file a superseded federal partnership return in Lacerte. Per Lacerte instructions, I will keep the originally filed 1065 as is and file the new "copy" as superseded once I clear the e-file status. Next, I need to file two amended state returns, PA and NC. I plan on e-filing the states as an amended return. Does anyone have a best-practice for this situation? If filing a superseded federal 1065, I am suppose to keep the originally e-filed federal return in tact and re-efile the copy. But I am not sure if it is best to amend this preserved original (after making yet another copy) for changes to efile the states, or make a third copy to amend and send this third copy as 1065x for PA and NC. I fear getting these mixed up as we move forward in years so I wanted to ask how others are handling this. Thanks! Jim  

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Level 2

I did not get a reply to my post, but I wanted to follow up with final solution. I originally efiled a 1065 along with two states. I made a copy of this return. Per instructions, I cleared the efile status on the copied return. I made my changes. I checked the box for superseded, federal return only. On this same return, I marked the states to be amended. I saw no problem in superseding the Federal and amending the states on the same return.  My naming convention to keep it straight. NAMExxxxx as originally filed, NAME21SU for superseded, I also made a second backup, just in case it is needed called NAMEORIG. Hope this helps someone.  Jim

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