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200 package - 1040 Rep's

Level 2

Does anyone else see a problem with this?

I purchase the 1040 - 200 1040 package. I purchase unlimited states at the total price of that package yearly ($990.00 for 2023 Lacerte) because that's the only option besides REP. 

If I only have 200 1040s, why is my only choice one unlimited state? ($990.00 for 2023 Lacerte) I can buy additional states but only as unlimited. Therefore, I have to REP additional states (roughly 12 a year. At $76 per additional state, my cost is an additional $912.00/yr)

So I'm paying $1902.00 for 200 state returns (That is $15.83 per state vs. the $4.50 per state. I have been using Lacerte for 20 years—the past five years as a sole proprietor. 

I think Intuit should offer a better package for smaller businesses.

Does anyone else feel the 1040 200 package should include 200 states? If you go over, then you pay the current REP fees.

1 Comment 1
Level 3

I completely agree.  I also have the 200-package, and I have many multi-state returns, for which I pay a lot of extra money!

Ironically, I got an email a few days ago from my 'Intuit Advisor', checking in to see if all my tax preparation needs are being met.  When I responded with a request to have a conversation on how to reduce my total cost for Lacerte, I never heard back!  They are obviously hoping to sell me more services, not help me reduce my cost!