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The following diagnostic is generating: it's saying Form 1099-Q Input Error. The dependent SS # that has been entered in the Education Distributions input screen must match one of the dependents in the return. It's not a dependent. It's the tax payer. It is not saying it's an e-file error, but it is saying all entries within the 1099-Q input screen will be ignored. Can anyone please help? Thank you

Hi, remove the SSN from the 1099-Q input.

The first name, last name, and SSN only need to be entered when the 1099-Q doesn't belong to the taxpayer or spouse.

The diagnostic generates to let you know the 1099-Q is being ignored, so you don't accidentally file without having the QTP Distribution Worksheet calculate.

IntuitRebecca, I get the same diagnostic.  I removed the SSN from the 1099-Q input and the diagnostic did not clear.  

Same thing. I can't get rid of it.