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The following diagnostic is generating:

Form 3840, Schedule A, Part I: If Line 1 Property is checked as property in California - Part I Lines 2-7 for that property are required for electronic filing purposes. Please review the data entered in Properties Given Up in the State & Local, Other Forms, California Like-Kind Exchanges Screen or in the Depreciation Screen.


If the exchange was done in the current year, please go to the screen where it was entered (screen 22, Depreciation), and scroll to the California Like-Kind Exchange (3840) section. Locate the field "Properties given up (Ctrl+E)." Click into the field and it will expand. Enter all applicable information for the old property here.

If the exchange was done in a prior year, the information for the exchange will be in screen 57.017, California Like-Kind Exchange (3840). Scroll to the Schedule A sub-section and click into the "Properties given up (Ctrl+E)" field, and enter the data for the old property here.

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