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The following diagnostic is generating: e-file: Form 1310: For electronic filing purposes, when both the taxpayer and spouse are deceased, a copy of Form 1310 is required for both the taxpayer and spouse to be included in the electronic file. Please review input for Form 1310 and make the appropriate entries. The instructions for Form 1310 explicitly state that it is not required if the person claiming the refund is a court-appointed executor. This is my case. If I attach the documents, why is that not sufficient? Why are we required to create and file forms that are not required except for this diagnostic?

he instructions for Form 1310 explicitly state that it is not required if the person claiming the refund is a court-appointed executor. This is my case. If I attach the documents, why is that not sufficient? Why are we required to create and file forms that are not required except for this diagnostic?