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The following diagnostic is generating:

If the New York City Residence Status Indicator is either ""Full-Year NYC Resident"" or ""Part-Year NYC Resident Only"", then Question F (City of New York residents and City of New York part-year residents only) must have the number of months the taxpayer lived in NYC. Verify that the City Residence Status Indicators overrides are being used correctly.


Item F on IT-201 Item E on IT-203 generates when there is conflicting or incomplete information entered regarding NYC residency: If Screen 4.4 e-file PDF/Miscellaneous>City Residence Status Indicators {NY}>Taxpayer NYC [O] (Ctrl+T)>Part-year NYC resident only Then Screen 54.093 New York Change of City Resident Status (IT-360.1)>General Information>City resident from and/or City resident to fields in the NYC column need to indicate at least 1 full month of residency If Screen 54.093 New York Change of City Resident Status (IT-360.1)>General Information>City resident from and/or City resident to fields completed in the NYC column they need to indicate at least 1 full month of residency If Screen 1 Client Information>New York Information>NYC/Yonkers Resident>NYC full year then Screen 53.091 New York Credit Forms>Claim for New York City School Tax Credit (NYC-210)>Number of months taxpayer lived in NYC [O] (Code 89)> cannot have -1 for none

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