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The taxpayer has a balance due and payment information has been entered, but the payment date entered is prior to the current date. This will cause the return to be rejected. Please enter a date that is greater than or equal to the current date. The input can be made in (Screen 3, Code 35).

Modules 1040 Federal. Tax was filed and tax was paid. Lacerte shows critical diagnostic warnings regarding the payment date entered is prior to the current date. Review input. Informational.

Solution: The diagnostic appears if an electronic payment has been entered prior to the 4/15 deadline, and if the current date is beyond the 4/15 deadline. If the return has already been filed, there is no action needed. If the return has not been filed, please remove the electronic payment date entered in screen 3, Miscellaneous/Direct Deposit since it is only used when the filing is done before 4/15.

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