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The following diagnostic is generating:

For Colorado Electronic Filing Purposes, the daytime phone number on the return must be present and must be a 10 digit number entry. Please double check your input. Please confirm that the user option to control the print of the telephone number is not set to suppress, and no entry to suppress the phone number has been entered in ""Daytime Phone: 1 = print, 2 = print (suppress when optional), 3 = suppress [O]"" (code 26, screen 3).


On screen 1 Client Information scroll down to the to the Taxpayer Contact Information and make a note of the current selection for Daytime Telephone #. If it's set to 'Work' ensure there is a ten digit phone number in the 'Work Telephone #' line 2 lines above. If it's set to 'Home' ensure there is a ten digit phone number in the 'Home Telephone #' line 3 lines above. If it's set to 'Mobile' ensure there is a ten digit phone number in the 'Mobile Phone' line 1 line below. Note: This diagnostic only triggers on the Taxpayer phone number information. The comparable Spouse phone number lines below do not impact this diagnostic in any way at this time. If the issue persists, access Detail screen 3 Miscellaneous Info. In the top section called Miscellaneous look for a line that says: Daytime phone: 1=print, 2= print (suppress when optional), 3=suppress [O]. Make sure this is not set to 3.


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