Level 1
No critical issue pop up. It should have one to send to client for authorization.  
0 Cheers

Hi there,

eSignature doesn't automatically attach the documents for business returns like it does for a 1040. So you would need to go to File Return, hit View/Print eSig Docs (or use partial print to select the documents you want to include), and save them as a PDF to your computer.

Then on File Return, you can click Client Authorization eSignature on the left, and press the Add documents button. 

Full instructions here under ProConnect Tax:


Level 1

Thank you to everyone that responded it was very helpful.

My problem was resolved.


0 Cheers
Level 2

Thank you!  This response was so helpful to me when filing my 1041s.

I have filed business returns where the 8879 was automatically attached?

It would be so nice to have the option to automatically attach the 8879 to trust return e-signature requests.  I'm guessing the vast majority of those signature requests are for the 8879?

Appreciate your help.


0 Cheers