
The two-year summary is great, however, it takes up so much vertical space. I kind of preferred the shorter one from ProSeries.

What about making the main groups accordion-style and have them open/closed by default (based on how the preparer sets it). I'd prefer to have them closed so I can see a broad overview quickly and then drill-down into groups (total income, itemized deductions, etc).

I find a lot of the totals take up so much space and I'm more interested in totals when it comes to total income, AGI, itemized total, taxable income. I don't really need to know liability before credits and after, or total credits. If the credit section was an accordion group then total credits would be great and then I could click on that and see the individual credits.

Anyway, I would find this really useful. Thanks!

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Status changed to: Open for voting

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