
My office was looking for the same thing, and for several years we would generate the organizers as PDFs and put the custom pages up front.  Essentially this just moved our printing costs down one step to the client, in the same manner that the IRS moved their data input (from paper returns) out to the preparers, with e-filing.

A few years ago, though, a complete wizard with Adobe found a way to identify the pages--of the "complete" organizer only; NOT the "condensed", and also NOT the Fiduciary since those pages are laid out similarly to the Individual condensed--in the file and overlay them with fillable fields.

  Since then, we have been sending out fillable organizers every year.


All of the pages for the 2020 input sheets have now been updated--several states added ID PIN fields to page2/Dependents, and the issue with the year being duplicated one sheet has been resolved in recent Lacerte updates--and so this year's version is now available:


Note again that this simply lays fillable fields over the PDF pages generated from Lacerte (with the "complete" organizer only).  Primarily this is useful for legibility--rather than reading each client's different chicken-scratch handwriting--as well as Find, Zooming size, and copy/paste for long entries.

  This WILL NOT take data from the Organizer and populate it into the Lacerte program.  (Though I do have some ideas towards that.)

And again, this works ONLY for the INDividual module.  (The page headers for the FIDuciary module are laid out differently, so they will take additional work...  and no other module even generates an Organizer.)  You MUST have the full ("Pro") version of Adobe Acrobat, NOT just the "Reader" version.

Robert Kirk
