
As one of the creators of the utility that I have previously linked to--and thanks for the shouts out from the other posters who *ALSO* posted a link!--I wanted to give everyone here notice that the 2021 version is updated and ready:

There is also a discount code (20% off) for readers of this thread:

(The middle part is the word "Fill", the final part is the capital letter "eye", as in "Intuit community page"; the separators are "_"/underscore.)


Note again that this simply lays fillable fields over the PDF pages generated from Lacerte (with the "complete" organizer only). Primarily this is useful for legibility--rather than reading each client's different chicken-scratch handwriting--as well as Find, Zooming size, and copy/paste for long entries.
This WILL NOT take data from the Organizer and populate it into the Lacerte program. (We have made some small inroads on that, but it is... daunting.)


And again, this works ONLY for the INDividual module. (The page headers for the FIDuciary module are laid out differently, so they will take additional work... and no other module even generates an Organizer.)


I hope that everyone has a happy holiday season!

Robert Kirk