Level 2

By its actions over the last 30 years since i've been a customer, Lacerte has always been about caving in to mediocrity, not pursing excellence, so as not to upset the majority of customers who are, themselves, mediocre by nature.   It's a sad commentary that many tax preparers whose returns i've seen don't even use the client letter, much less enter the client's name as the salutation.  Countless times, i've seen letters headed up, "Dear Client."  Some don't even use the filing instructions.  With a majority of these people who use Lacerte, excellence is an unwelcome annoyance, so all of us become stuck with a product that produces a mediocre result.  It's intentionally designed that way.  Rather than innovate, the company seeks to have its customers even more reliant on its software by invading the work flow, so they will essentially own your tax practice for life.  Unfortunately, the whole industry is generally geared toward pleasing the majority who fall under the center of the bell curve, which is not where excellence lives.   The other alternatives are much worse.