Three things:

1. The state and city populates with zip code on individual client and W-2 data only. Make it the standard for ANY field where an address is used including Schedule C, Schedule E, Form 2441 provider, Form 8283 etc. and also corporate and partnership modules.

2. Where social security wages (box 3) are input for a tipped employee and social security (box 4) automatically adjust, have social security in box 4 readjust with an entry to social security tips (box 7) rather than require manual adjustment.

3. When trades are downloaded from excel to Schedule D, have a pull-down option for the wash sale adjustment. Currently it must be entered manually.

Status: New
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Level 15

You have offered 3 ideas. You really should do 3 separate posts - one for each idea. Lacerte moves verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry slowly on each suggestion and a threefer just won't make any headway. 

Level 1

True but also every time I call customer support I beat those three things into the agent's head and insist that the message be forwarded. From the inside it may carry a bit more weight.

Level 3

Piggybacking on #1 in case anyone of Lacerte actually sees this.

On the initial client setup, the zip code does NOT populate address city if the "state" field has been pre populated by adding a state as the resident state in the very first box under resident status at top of client info.  Therefore to use the Zip Code fill in, you have to first skip down to the address input, and then come back up to add resident state. Would be nice if it just worked to fill in or change the inputs when you enter the zip.