Arana Wolin

When exporting lists for group mailings or email, please add a function where the "Primary Contact" field from the Client Info page can be added to the export. (For all filing types other than Individual.)
Currently, only the business name is an option.

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Status: Open for voting
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Returning Member

I'm looking for something similar ... a primary phone, primary email option.  Even if it's a button we can click on either the tax payer or spouse.  Many of our married clients want the primary contact to be the spouse; NOT the primary tax payer.  Additionally we have individuals who have their kid as the primary contact.  

The absolute best option would be to have a primary contact section that everything pulls from, including Link.

Right now, I have to look through a list each time to change the email to the primary contact since Lacerte defaults to the tax payer.

I searched for this, but can't seem to find a solution.  Am I missing something?

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Community Manager
Status changed to: Open for voting

Thanks for the idea. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it has been around for over 30 days and no longer considered "New". If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Getting Started Guide for more information.

Returning Member

You mean... we can not export the name of the "Partner Name" field... because...? How do you address the a partner using a mass mailing?

Level 1

Thanks for recommending this feature.  I just attempted to create an identical list using the export function for our business clients and was shocked that 'primary contact' was not selectable from the available fields.  It seems any basic field used to identify the client should be an option to select when creating an export excel report.  Let's hope this is a quick and easy upgrade for the development team.