
Does anyone know why the Tax Worksheet reports in fixed asset manager are grayed out and unavailable for some clients and not others?  How can I make those reports accessible?


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Level 13

There's generally not a lot of support here for FAM.  My first guess, do you have a federal tax method set up for the entity?

My second guess, what software year are you using (i.e. FAM 2019) vs. what tax year end is the entity currently set to (i.e. 12/31/2020)?


Level 1

Using 2019 software, did roll the file to 2020.  I am wondering if it is because this file may have been an import from Proseries depreciation worksheets.  I am going to try to setup a new file for the client and see if that works


Level 13

Could be, the import/export locks you in to certain things.

Is there any discernible pattern?  Such as, all of the clients not working have a year end of 12/31/20, all of the clients working have a YE of 12/31/19?