Level 1

I'm using pyodbc to pull return data from all modules in order to aggregate reports/dashboards and as of a Lacerte update this morning I'm getting this error:


pyodbc.Error: ('HY000', "[HY000] [Lacerte][CLIDSI] (90) Unhandled managed exception caught: System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown. (Stack Trace:    at Interop.ClientDataAccess.ITableAccess.MoveToNextRow()\r\n   at f.MoveToNextRow()\r\n   at Simba.CLIDSI.CLIDSIResultSet.Move(CLIDSIResultSet* , DSIDirection in_direction, Int64 in_offset)) (90) (SQLFetch)")


I did not personally do the update so I don't know how far back it went (likely August at the earliest)

and it only errs on the Individual and Partnership modules


any insight/help would be much appreciated!