Level 4

See my answer to fundamentally the exact same question, here:

The issue lies in the fact that Lacerte stores "this form" identity as a variable in a list (text file), and sorts them in one order (either "alphabetically by form NAME", or "alphabetically by VARIABLE name", I do not recall which).

But the order in which the database fields indicating "1== YES, this form is in the return" are stored in the *data* *table*, in "the other order" (alphabetical by variable name, OR alphabetically by form name).

Which boils down to, "If Lacerte adds a new form later in the year, columns of already-processed returns' forms will get pushed to the right, giving BAD RESULTS of 'what forms are included' for these reports."

In that linked response, I take you through how you can arrive at good (federal only!) data.

Robert Kirk

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