Level 4

Are you referring to the saved lists that quick-fill one or more fields for you, on various pages?  (10/wages, 11/interest, 12/dividend, 13/pensions, for example.)

Those files are stored in text files inside of a ZIP file, but it is not *named* a zip file.  Adjust for your own drive letter, and the year that you are looking for, and they are in:
  J:\20 Install\20tax\Option20\TABLES.IW0
(File extension is "?W#", where ? is the letter of the module [i for Individual, F for Fiduciary, C for Corporate, N for Gift, and so on] and # is the final digit of the year.  This file, "iW0", is for the individual module of "some year ending in 0", in this case 2020.)

That will show you "which ones you have saved."


However, in order to see "which ones are you actually using," the answer is not nearly so clean-cut.

To do that, the best way is to establish your ODBC connection to the data directory, and then iteratively open EACH client file and parse out the data to a common file.  (Make sure to identify the records with CLIENT #, so that you know what file they came from!)  In addition to the fields that the Lacerte detail file uses--input page/series, property #, code, value, description, Client/Spouse/Joint, state Sourcing, and so on--I add three fields for Year, Module, and Client #.

Then you do your "show me all series11/page10/Wages code800/employer name" query against THAT table, and see which ones are actually being used.

Note that you can NOT just "query for employer name" against a detail file, because you will get ONLY the records that match from that one particular file.  This is why you first need to extract everything out to the main data table.
  For comparison purposes, my extracted data for ~2300 individual client files runs to just under 718k records.

Robert Kirk

0 Cheers