Level 2

I recently discovered the Lacerte SDK and am excited by the promise.  I am having no trouble reading data, but cannot get data written.

I am using Python with the pyodbc driver to connect to the database.  

For example, trying to add to the Dividend Screen (Series=13) a value for Capital Gains (Code=3) for an existing entry (Prefix=1)

import pyodbc
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(r'driver=LacerteDSIIDriver; DataDir=L:\19TAX\IData;',  autocommit=True)
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO [ZZZDEV2-Detail] (Series, Prefix, Code, Suffix, StateAbbr, Amount, Description) VALUES (13,1,3,1000,'IL',69,'DAN');")

This executes without error, but no data is written to the table.

The Lacerte SDK manual indicates the ODBC driver can write to the Detail table, but I could not find any examples.

Has anybody written to the Detail table?  Care to show the code?