Level 1

I was wondering if someone from this group might be interested in collaborating with me to create a query tool that could be used in excel to easily create custom reports. My thought was to have an input page where you indicate the year, module(s), preparers, and specific fields you want and a results page with the report. On the input page, the fields would appear using their description - Taxpayer Name, Street Address, Gross Receipts, Taxable Income, Preparer, Due Date, etc. 

I also have some thoughts about how to organize the project so that the underlying VBA code would be modular and easily transferable to other projects.

There might be several ways to approach this-VBA code vs. Power Pivot table. From my perpective, I've never really liked using the direct data connections in excel because its seems slow and I can never quite get it to do what I want.

Anyway, let me know if there is any interest.


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