Level 15

We average one or two questions a month on how to cancel a scheduled ES payment.  When you teach someone how to drive a car, you always show them the brake pedal at the same time you show them the accelerator.  Wouldn't the same approach be helpful before letting people loose to schedule payments?

Level 15

There are a lot of licensed people that shouldn't be driving.  Likewise, there are a lot of people that shouldn't be preparing tax returns for others.  Those chosen tax preparers would be apt to hit the accelerator more often than the brakes no matter how many times you taught them how to cancel an ES payment.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I don't have that problem because I have clients mail their own estimates. I'm not getting involved with that. We have enough responsibilities as it is.

Level 15

@PATAX And no one will charge you with the Unauthorized Practice of Banking.

Level 15

The electronic filing monster just continues to grow and grow and grow, federal, state, local, and God knows what's next.