Level 15

"This doesn't really answer as to why returns that were accepted Feb 13th"

You need to confirm IRS status, to know if anything was an issue for the processing. That's why you use the methods I posted, which was provided by the IRS.

"are not issuing refunds."

You've confirmed the refund has been denied, then? Or, are you stating "not issued" when it simply hasn't happened yet? Because things are a bit busy at the IRS, thanks to Congress and late changes to the tax year and the effects carried over from last year.

"these are repeat clients," <== meaningless to the IRS

"nothing new," <== meaningless to the tax year filing

"no outstanding W2's." <== I don't even know what an "outstanding" W-2 would be

"I have several that "are still processing"." <== Perfect

"I've seen no alerts, no newsletters responding to this issue."

The IRS has issued notifications. Are you not signed up for their e-newsletters? On this forum, just a day or so ago, someone mentioned that an IRS agent told them they were just now opening mail from Aug 2020.

"Is the IRS out of money?"

Uh...the IRS doesn't "have" money. The US Treasury has money.

"I have the normal high W2's that have to be verified but repeat tax returns for small families?"

That has no bearing on the status of the return, which you already verified has been sent, received, accepted, and in process.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.