Level 15

There, see how easy that was!

I assume you have entered the info from the 1099R. Now look across the top of that section. In lighter print is 1099-R ... Form 8606 .. Other Information ....Annuities .... Form 5329 .... Lump Sum Distributi...... 3 more :

Click Form 5329 Do whatever penalty boxes need to be done.

Click 3more: > Click Rollovers > put the rollover amount in to the first box.

If this is the only IRA in existence, you would be done.

If there was more IRA after the original distribution you need to use the search box at the top of the left column and enter "Value of IRA". Click the first hit and complete the sections of Form 8606. This will determine how much of the amount NOT rolled over is taxable. 

If there were a decent search feature in this forum, you might find that gives a good start.

If you know which forms you would need to use, you can CHECK RETURN, find the form and click on the line you want to populate and find input that way.

Enjoy the Wonderful World of PTO! 


Here's wishing you many Happy Returns