Level 15

Since Bob brought up Long Term Care, I would point out that your client needs to provide any 1099-LTC (evidence that there is long term care being provided that is covered by a policy and not all out of pocket) as well as more information of any breakdown for or separation of charges.

The phrase used is "continuum of care" which allows a person to have inhome medical and personal care providers, even if they are in an independent living facility (basically, like an apartment building, but with dining facilities and different levels of staff available for providing care as your needs increase) or if you are in ALF (assisted) or SNF (skilled nursing). Even then, you need details. For instance, you can be in a SNF and have separate medical care, such as bedside dental. A type 1 diabetic might have costs for nurses and could be in any of these living arrangements.

If it's basically all-inclusive room-and-board (lodging and lifestyle and transportation and food), then it's not deductible. The basic costs of general living are not part of tax deductions.

The question here is too vague. You have to find out more details, as usual.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.