Level 1

I just read that the NEW 2020 W-4 was suppose to be easier.  I am as someone else said completely confuzzled and I KNOW the employees and operators will be coming to us for answers.  And I just read that in EasyACCT it will have to be manually calculated, that EasyACCT will NOT mimic the New W4.  What good is the accounting software if it isn't going to do squat to make the job easier for you?  So how is any of this easier when you have Publication 15 (48 pages), Publication 15-A (28 pages), and the Publication 15-T (65 pages).  I thought I was bright, but this makes me feel all sorts of dumb.  Is there a 2020 W-4 book for dummies out there.  HELP!!!  Geez, has someone created a spreadsheet to work this out?

Teach Old Dog New Tricks Please
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