Level 3

The latest update took out the SUTA State Module. I tried to select and it is blank. Ugh!!!! I need to get my state reports out.

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Level 5

Are all the states gone or just certain ones?  Also, did you let Intuit know directly?  I'm not surprised something like this happens anymore.  It would also be nice if they could get the 941 update on there.  At this rate I'll be issuing first quarter reports on April 30th ... if I'm lucky 😅

Level 3

It took out all states. In the drop down menu area it's a blank window, when you try to manually put in the state, in my case, California, it says "CA module not found". I can run the worksheet but not the SUTA Report. I did have the 2024 941 in the update, but I understand the complete frustration with how long it takes to get the 941 Report. It realistically should have been released towards the beginning of March, not the end. I generally send out reports with last payroll for the month and due to the late release, am now printing them all to send out with my invoicing. I called support to let them know and it took so long that I finally had to go due to an appointment I had scheduled. I will wait until Monday and see if anyone else is reporting this problem. I hadn't updated one of the computers, so I ran all my state reports using that one and then jumped on the one that I had updated to run the 941's. 😓

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