Level 15

Short answer is no, you can't print proforma organizers for your clients.  This functionality is simply not in PTO - not that no one ever requested it or for the lack of good reasons, just that the use of paper organizer is not consistent with Intuit's vision for PTO, which is paperless and fully cloud-based.

You do have two options if your clients do not use computers:

  1. Use blank organizers (either the extended or condensed version) for PTO; or
  2. Print PDF version of the Link Questionnaire and Document Checklist (with minimum customization based on prior year return income, expense, etc.)

Copies of PDF organizers (#1) and instructions for #2 can be found in this article:

Note, however, that the existing PDF organizers for TY2019 were published in Jun/Jul 2019 and are not up to date with questions on crypto and the two acts signed into law in Dec.  According to PTO's product manager, updated versions should be published around mid-Jan, so watch that space next week.

Still an AllStar