Level 2

The NY IT 213 Proseries worksheet is not the same as the official NYS worksheet and is not calculating the empire state child tax credit properly.  Has anyone noticed this?  Does Proseries know, if not how do we alert them?

Thank you for any guidance.

0 Cheers
Level 11

Without looking at the details of your specific issue, I will tell you that you're way too early on this.  We "old people" know that not all forms, all schedules, etc. are ready as of today.  Look at the NY forms updates in ProSeries.  It may tell you when, but I personally wouldn't start anything until end of month, at the earliest.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Thank you for your reply.  I am an "old people"  I have been using Proseries for 22 years.  My issues is that Proseries knows of the issue so it can be resolved.  

I appreciate your feedback. Have a great tax season.

0 Cheers
Level 3

I have the same problem, IT-213 is not calculating the 2019 Income for EIC consideration !!! I hope Proseries is working on this as NY residents are desperate for their refunds !!! 

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